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Saturday, 2025-02-08, 9:24 PM
BlogMain » 2009 » January » 23
Category: Video |
Views: 5927 |
Added by: jackass |
Date: 2009-01-23
| Rating: 5.0/3
Chapter 1
It was December the first in the uncanny country of the apparitions and spirits and in a
old-fashioned, crumpling mansion-house, coffins creaked leisurely in a room with pictures
of famous people, cobwebs and Christmas trees.
The things in the coffins were the skilful spirits society. Now, the skilful spirits
society weren't the kind of ghosts you'd see in Halloween.
Put it this way. If you made a chart of how many specters came out at Halloween,
never have had the skilful spirits society. These are the species of ghosts who come out
at Christmas which included Sam Smart, Gary the graveyard guardian, Wilbur the wraith, Percy
the pumpkin and Bill the bogyman.
These were sharp-witted phantoms which were the only ones to talk and were
marvelous to
any ghost in the universe. That day, the phantoms had a scheme. "Let's plan a
Christmas party for our phantasm pals. "Wilbur cried.
"But h
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I. Overwhelming evidence
notwithstanding, thin and bespectacled Luke Matthews didn't believe in ghosts, werewolves,
warlocks, witches, or demons. "To Hell with the Devil" had become a favorite
expression of this tall,
stooping intellectual, voiced particularly around fellow graduate students, who admired
Luke for his abandonment of belief.
To Luke, sitting now in his
parent's living room, puffing on his pipe, watching the red glow of the setting sun, and
studying the spire of the old Parker House through the leafless trees in the front yard,
Hell was a fabrication of the Church and, therefore, a delusion. The views of this thin
bespectacled man were reinforced by Neitzche, Marx, and Derrida, whom he claimed in
seminar after seminar as his most significant influences. A doctoral student in English,
studying at a major California university, Luke was finishing a dissertation applying
deconstructive principles to Bronte's
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Blomu muižas pils dārzā esot dziļš dīķis, ko saucot par Vaidavas
dīķi. No šī dīķa pulksten divpadsmitos naktī izbraucot viena pēc otras skaistas
karītes. Luktuŗi pie karītēm spīdot, kučērs sēdot uz bukas un priekšā esot
četri vareni zirgi. Karītes piestājot pie pils durvim un no tām izkāpot tādi lepni
kungi un dāmas, uzkāpot pa trepēm un ieejot kantorī. Drīz vien sākoties dancošana.
Dancojot, ka švīkstot vien. Durvis tad pilī klabot un zīda drānas čaukstot.
Dancotāji uzturoties tais telpās, kur neesot dzīvu cilvēku. Pienākot arī līdz
durvim, aiz kurām esot kāds gulētājs, bet iekšā nenākot un aizejot atpakaļ. Arī
ārā durvis esot visas pa nakti aizslēgtas, bet dancotāji tiekot pa tām iekšā, lai
slēdzot, kā gribot. Dancotāji lustējoties kādu stundu, tad atkal piebraucot karītes.
Viņi iekāpot karītēs un iebraucot dīķī, ugunim mirdzot. Kad gailis uz rīta pusi
pirmo reiz dziedot, tad pilī viss esot klusu un mierīgi. Arī durvis esot tāpat
aizslēgtas, kā vakarā palikušas. Notiekot tas tādēļ, k
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Reiz kādā meža mājiņā dzīvoja mamma,tētis un dēls. Vienu vakaru visa ģimene skatījās televīzoru.Aiz loga ķaut kas iesīcās... Tad mamma izgāja ārā, lai paskatītos, kas tur notiek.Pēc tam tētis, nevarēdams sagaidīt atgriežamies mammu, arī izgāja ārā. Pēkšņi dēls izdzird stiprus sitienus un, Piegājis pie loga ieraudzījis, ka pa rūti tek asinis... Dēls tad izsteidzās ārā un sastapa māti ar tēvu, sitot odus...
I. Worn around the edges, yet dreaming of vampire strippers, Professor
Michael Haddux drove his dilapidated black ‘85 Buick Le Sabre into the parking lot of
Tarantula Lil’s. It was getting late, approaching midnight, and a full moon shone
brilliantly overhead like a fluorescent clock. His heart racing with nervous excitement,
Michael had decided to risk his good reputation in the academic community for one night at
the club that Time magazine had described as the wildest and dirtiest strip club in
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